

Payment via bank

ABN AMRO bank, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

IBAN: NL20ABNA0475873858


A.M. Pavlidou

Amalia Maria Pavlidou

Sessions and cancellations

Once the session has been paid for, we will choose the time. Please note that due to workload the session will be scheduled after 5-10 days.

If you are unable to make an appointment, please let us know at least 24 hours in advance. We request this notification in advance so that we can offer this appointment to another patient

en aanbieden. Tot slot wordt de klant de kosten van de sessie aangerekend indien hij niet op komt dagen op een afspraak zonder tijdige verwittiging.


A session can usually last 30 minutes. The session is an in-depth interview and gives the patient the opportunity to tell their story, to tell all the symptoms, no matter how big or small (in my case the parents talk about their pet’s life).

The session includes a long and in-depth interview in which I discuss in detail the symptoms an animal experiences on a physical, mental and emotional level.

Research identifies the factors that influence symptoms for better or worse. Stress, pain, temperaments and past/present hereditary factors are also examined. The way you sleep, dreams, reaction to time, preferences and hobbies, eating habits provide important clues to the necessary treatment.

The idea is to discover the unique way in which the patient deals with a complaint at all levels. This personalized image is the most important guideline for me when making the homeopathic remedy. Pay attention to varying or unusual symptoms and seek information about the impact of modalities (conditions that provide relief or worsening of symptoms, such as time or activity).

After this essential information, I usually choose a homeopathic remedy or mixture. This medication is then administered in the dose and strength most suitable for the animal.

After prescribing a homeopathic mix, we remain in contact to monitor the treatment.

For those who want a follow-up appointment, it usually takes less time than the first session.

With the right treatment, improvements are achieved on all levels: mental, emotional and physical.

The treatment process depends on the age of the disease or behavior, the vitality of the patient and the correctness of the homeopathic prescription itself. For acute problems, improvements are quite rapid. With chronic problems, improvements are usually gradual.

If there are no problems, we perform a preventive treatment that includes detoxification and wellness.